Monday, July 27, 2015

30 Days of Bite-Sized Faith: Four

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:13)

Once, about 5 years ago, I had the opportunity (something rare in the Lutheran church) for private confession and absolution. The pastor at the church I was visiting left time before his Saturday evening service for people to come into the sanctuary alone, confess any sins on their hearts, and receive absolution. It was one of the most moving things I have experienced. Confessing sins is powerful. Somehow it's entirely different from just telling someone about something bad you've done. Plenty of times I've had long conversations with friends and talked about my mistakes. Don't get me wrong, it feels great. But there's something even deeper about going to a fellow believer (particularly a pastor, but even a faithful friend is effective) and asking them to hear your confession. It's powerful to label that deed that's been heavy on your heart as sin and speak it to someone.

As someone who has studied psychology, I am a strong believer in the healing power of speaking out loud about the guilt that bothers you. God, though James, has said that the way for us to heal is to be open with each other and pray. If something is weighing on your heart, ask a friend that you trust to hear you out. [If we are personally acquainted, ask me to talk on Skype or meet you for coffee. I am always willing to listen.] And when you've aired it all out, pray. Lately my prayer life has been less than it should be. More than that, I have always struggled with praying out loud with people. It makes me uncomfortable. But I'd like that to change. As James points out, I need that to change. I don't have the space here to talk about the importance of prayer, but to put it briefly: It's important. And praying with and for the people in our lives is one of the most powerful ways we can experience the love of God. 

As I'm urging myself, I also urge you: Pray with people more. See how it lightens your heart. 

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