"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31)
As much as we love freedom and having choices, sometimes it's not as great it seems. For some people, like me, making decisions is really hard. I can be very decisive when I have to, but for the most part I avoid it at all costs. In order to make a decision you have to know what you want, which means you have to know yourself. Knowing yourself isn't always easy, particularly since healthy people tend to change at least somewhat as they go through life. One day you can think you have a good idea of who you are and what you want, and then suddenly you wake up and barely recognize yourself anymore. What's worse, you find yourself changing your mind about things, and feeling guilty for it. How can we know what's right when we don't even know who we are? In the end, all that matters is we follow God's path as best we can, and continue to witness His love to others in all that we do.
God knows you better than anyone, including yourself. He values you above all, even sending His Son to die for your salvation. He knows every hair on your head and all the things in your heart, and he loves you without end. Think of that. When I went to Concordia, I always made a point to attend chapel on Ash Wednesday. On those days in chapel the theology professors would all help to administer ashes and offer personal absolution. I remember the first time I went to that service, when I knelt down for absolution, the campus pastor laid his hand on my head and said my name. I hadn't spent much time with him, and I wasn't sure how he knew it, but for him to use my name and forgive me of my sins was a deeply emotional experience. It sounds strange to say, but that was one of the first times I truly understood how much God cares for me, personally. This pastor, who served thousands of students, knew my name and cared for me. How much more incredible it is that God, who is responsible for the whole world, knows and cares for me. I pray that you have had a moment like that, or that somehow in another way you can comprehend how deeply God knows you and cares for you.
Never forget that God doesn't just love the world. He loves you. He will never let you fall.
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