Thursday, November 22, 2012

спасибо (Thanks.)

It's a good idea, on this day of Thanksgiving, for me to post a list of things I'm thankful for. All through the year God showers us with blessings, and even if it seems like Thanksgiving is deteriorating in America we can still use the opportunity as Christians to offer up a little praise. Is it hard for you sometimes to remember to pray a prayer of thanks? It definitely is for me. But without any more delay, here's my list:
My dad's new job (which prompted the title of this post in Russian). He's back in the mission field working for Lutheran Hour Ministries, and I can tell how happy it makes him, which makes me happy.
The house that my parents found in St. Louis so quickly and easily. It's a nice place to live.
The financial security I've enjoyed. 
My job, where I not only earn money but also enjoy myself and get homework done.
My family. We don't really have family drama. Unconditional love and support are always available in ample supply.
Concordia, and the professors who teach there. I also thank God for guiding me to become a Psychology major. It's been a very welcome change.
Music that I can listen to and perform. This has been a huge year for developing my singing, and I can't thank God enough for giving me that talent.
The willpower and support needed to lose 25 pounds. 
My friends everywhere. I'm so blessed with the number of people who I enjoy being around and who love and support me no matter what. I'm especially thankful for new friends who remind me why I'm likeable.
Church at Concordia, where I'm richly fed every day. Also, my new church in St. Louis which has been welcoming and full of delight.
The people of Carlinville, who have been so wonderful over the last 9 years. I'm so thankful that I had a close community to grow up in, and such a loving church family to belong to.
Good health for me and my family. The last year has included quite a few scares, but we've always come out okay.
Most importantly, the sacrifice of Jesus that gives me hope and joy every day, knowing that when I die my spirit will live with him forever.

These are only a few things that especially come to mind. If I were to begin to list all the "little things" in life that make me smile I would be able to go on forever. It goes to show how richly we are blessed.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." 
Psalm 136:1

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