Friday, December 14, 2012

Save Your Energy

Before anything I must say how deeply I feel compassion for the families of the people lost in Newtown, CT this morning. All we can really do is pray for comfort and healing. No time is a good time to lose someone you love, but to lose a child at Christmas must be the deepest of pains. May the peace of Christmas fill the hearts of these parents and the families of the adults killed. 

Perhaps for some of you your feelings about this tragedy go along with what I was going to write about. Today I wanted to share some thoughts on anger. Everyone experiences anger at some point, probably even every day. Most of the time we feel mild frustration which we can deal with easily. Have you ever been so angry about something that it interferes with your daily life?
This kind of anger has plagued me before. At the end of high school several things in my life didn't go as I expected. Frankly, life was going very poorly. My reaction was to be very angry. For months I let myself wallow in fury. I couldn't see a way out. The truth is that I didn't want to stop. Anger seemed the appropriate response at the time. Suddenly I had been betrayed and cast off by something I thought I could count on, and it only seemed right to be angry. What good did it do me? None at all. I spent the last part of my senior year pushing away the people who genuinely cared. The anger I felt only served to drain me of my energy and make me someone who was truly ugly inside. I only felt better after I acknowledged that I was actually hurt deep inside and confronted the person who I felt was mostly responsible for my wounds. At that point their response didn't even matter. It just felt better to know that I was being honest with them and with myself. 
Recently I was talking with a friend who had been hurt in a relationship. When it happened her friends urged her to be angry, because "it's easier than being hurt". Fortunately she understood that, although it's easier perhaps in the short term to be frustrated and ignore the underlying issue, it's healthier to face your true feelings and address them. Ephesians 4:25-27 speaks on this, saying, "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." 
When anger is in your heart, so many other things can follow. Whether or not you physically harm someone, you are more likely to harm them emotionally with words. Anger makes you reckless. It blocks compassion and reason. Why spend your energy on resentment when you could be showing love? Many people don't even realize how many pleasant things they're missing out on because of the poisonous weed of malice that is suffocating their soul. Untangling yourself form all that rage is a painful task, but I cannot condone anyone missing out on the peace that comes from reconciliation.
Conflict can be difficult, but it is one of our duties as Christians. In one of my classes this semester we went over the Ted Kober's model for conflict resolution. I would strongly encourage you to follow the link and read this article. The goal in this approach is to be at peace with those around us by glorifying God and reconciling our differences. It's a pretty long process for a simple disagreement like missing an appointment. But when feelings have been deeply hurt, the conflict is spiraling out of control, and a relationship lies completely broken, I cannot see any better way to resolve the issue besides using Kober's guidelines.
Anger is something we cannot avoid, whether we are the one who is upset or someone else is angry at us. The key to living a peaceful life is to bring up our grievances with those who have caused them, and let go of our anger before it can take a hold. 
If I don't write again for a while, I pray that your Christmas is filled with God's abundant blessings. May you feel his peace and pass it on to others. 


Thursday, November 22, 2012

спасибо (Thanks.)

It's a good idea, on this day of Thanksgiving, for me to post a list of things I'm thankful for. All through the year God showers us with blessings, and even if it seems like Thanksgiving is deteriorating in America we can still use the opportunity as Christians to offer up a little praise. Is it hard for you sometimes to remember to pray a prayer of thanks? It definitely is for me. But without any more delay, here's my list:
My dad's new job (which prompted the title of this post in Russian). He's back in the mission field working for Lutheran Hour Ministries, and I can tell how happy it makes him, which makes me happy.
The house that my parents found in St. Louis so quickly and easily. It's a nice place to live.
The financial security I've enjoyed. 
My job, where I not only earn money but also enjoy myself and get homework done.
My family. We don't really have family drama. Unconditional love and support are always available in ample supply.
Concordia, and the professors who teach there. I also thank God for guiding me to become a Psychology major. It's been a very welcome change.
Music that I can listen to and perform. This has been a huge year for developing my singing, and I can't thank God enough for giving me that talent.
The willpower and support needed to lose 25 pounds. 
My friends everywhere. I'm so blessed with the number of people who I enjoy being around and who love and support me no matter what. I'm especially thankful for new friends who remind me why I'm likeable.
Church at Concordia, where I'm richly fed every day. Also, my new church in St. Louis which has been welcoming and full of delight.
The people of Carlinville, who have been so wonderful over the last 9 years. I'm so thankful that I had a close community to grow up in, and such a loving church family to belong to.
Good health for me and my family. The last year has included quite a few scares, but we've always come out okay.
Most importantly, the sacrifice of Jesus that gives me hope and joy every day, knowing that when I die my spirit will live with him forever.

These are only a few things that especially come to mind. If I were to begin to list all the "little things" in life that make me smile I would be able to go on forever. It goes to show how richly we are blessed.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." 
Psalm 136:1

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stand Firm

Friends, bear with me as I stumble through this. I'm going to be as sensitive as I can, but it's a touchy topic.
People get very defensive about what they believe.
This completely makes sense. Our beliefs (morals, etiquette, politics, faith, etc.) are the deepest and most established parts of our being. We form sets of beliefs based on how we were brought up and the things we've experienced in life. Most of us aren't really comfortable digging very deep into our beings on a daily basis, so things tend to get tense and awkward when stuff like that comes up. That's exactly why we choose friends who are part of the same church that we are, and we share political views with our parents, and we disassociate from people who we think follow the wrong morals or codes of conduct (read: people we think are rude). The more we can avoid conflicts in beliefs, the happier we are. 
Hence the issue that arises during "election season". Here is a time when suddenly people think it's normal and okay to declare their beliefs publicly. They're trying to influence people so that in the end the government will (at least partially) follow what they believe. Every once in a while it works, and you say something that makes one of your friends go "Hey, I never thought about it like that", and they change their mind. Most of the time, however, people are pretty set in their opinions. So how do we know who is right? Well, as Christians, I think we can all agree that God is right. The other day I heard someone say that it's not right to base political opinions on God's Word, because it doesn't have to apply to things like social issues. To be blunt - that's ridiculous. Where, if not from God, are you getting the deep beliefs that influence your choices? If we pick and choose where to apply the Word and where to forget it, who gets to draw that line?
1 Peter 2:13-15 says this: "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do." I cannot presume to say which politician most accurately represents Biblical principles (most of the time I don't think any of them really do). And yeah, there's nothing in scripture that tells us how to balance the national budget (being frugal and using our gifts intelligently is a pretty good idea, but I digress). My main point is this: Never forget that Christians are called to live every second of their lives in faith and holiness. There are no situations when Christian values just don't apply. At the end of the day, when we're looking for answers and refining our beliefs, we should look to God for guidance.
I pray for His blessings on the decisions you face, both in this next week and throughout your lives.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

For Your Eyes Only

"The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame" - Genesis 2:25

A while ago this was part of a reading in chapel, and it really struck me for the first time. Usually when this passage is read I'm so preoccupied thinking about how wonderful it is that men and women are the same flesh and thinking about how this is the first marriage and it's so pure and beautiful. But think about this line with me for a second. The Bible (this is God's holy Word) just straight up tells you that these two people are naked. And shameless. Not embarrassed at all. Or insecure. Or even a little scared.
What happened to that?
Obviously the next chapter talks about their fall into sin, but did that have to completely ruin everything? We still get married, become a new family, and join our flesh to create children. The feeling of freedom is gone though. When did we start to feel shame about one of God's greatest gifts? Christian friends, I've come to the time when my blog talks about sex. Because as much as we'd like to make it taboo and shameful, it's not. The intimate physical love shared between two married people is an awesome blessing! But, like most things in this world, it was cast into a shadow when we fell into sin.
Ever since I had that "Wow" moment about this verse, I've been considering why we feel so shameful about sex. Mostly I've decided the problem is that our culture is so saturated with sexual immorality. Sex within the context of marriage is totally great, but when do we ever talk about that? We see movies that feature short-lived, passionate (and often secret) sexual encounters, creating a "cloak and dagger" attitude about the act. We read magazines that tell us how to "amaze your partner in bed" right next to horror stories about nasty breakups. The hurt and damage that comes from inappropriate sex isn't just in fiction though. So many times I've seen friends hurt because they "gave all they had" to someone they were dating and it didn't work out.  
What I find most detestable about our culture these days is the general availability and acceptability of pornography and sexual images. I have several close friends with deep emotional scars from a porn addiction earlier in life. It's a struggle for them every day to overcome temptation. It affects their relationships. In a world where almost everyone by the age of 16 (or even younger) has seen sex acted out "perfectly" on a screen, how are we supposed to feel confident in our own sexual encounters? How could we possibly feel completely secure about our own bodies when we know our partner has seen other bodies more attractive than ours? It breaks my heart that, in an act that should allow two people who are committed in love to enjoy each other without shame, we are fighting insecurity and anxiety simply because we live in a sinful and impatient world. 
The temptation we face as Christians who save sexuality for marriage makes for a difficult transition once the condition of marriage is reached. A friend who is getting married soon was talking with me, and saying how weird it's going to be on the night of her wedding. She remarked, "We've gone through all these years of dating with the attitude that sex is completely out of the question, and then in one afternoon suddenly it's going to be okay." My prayer is that when I'm dating my future spouse, we can have a healthy respect and for the gift of sex and an understanding of purity with each other. I've learned some hard lessons about giving an inch and taking a mile. It will be hard to resist temptation, and we will probably have to resort to associating shame with the action itself and then overcoming that attitude once we're married. 
I guess the point of all this is to encourage you to remember that sex is indeed a wonderful gift. We abuse it, and the abuses make the gift harder to enjoy. But if we save that gift for it's rightful place, we will never have to feel shame. We can simply delight in being one flesh, and know that we are sharing a unique and new experience together with the one person we love most. Even though we want things to happen on our own time, God's way is always the most joyful in the end.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bloom where you're planted.

It's possible that if I post over the next couple months it will be prompted by a Bible study I'm going through right now centered around Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, A Time for Everything. 
This week the pair that we looked at was in Verse 2: "a time to plant and a time to uproot". That idea is completely relevant in my life right now. I think I've said before how much is changing for me. Nothing seems constant, and it's sometimes really hard to figure out which changes are from God, and which come from the selfishness of man. Then if I do believe that God is working a change I have to set about accepting it. Sometimes I mess up and start something that isn't in God's plan. In this case we have the assurance from Matthew 15:13, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots." Often our new endeavours don't work out for a very good reason. It can be hard to remember that God has a hand in all that we do. He hinders that which would harm us, and aids the things that enrich our lives, all according to his plan. David writes in Psalm 1:3 that the man who is in God's keeping "is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." I don't know about you, but I often wish that God would give me a sign that I'm on the right track. Here's the surprise - He does that for us every day! Every time that we experience contentment and a smooth road to success, God is telling us that we are on the right track. His plans never fail, and only receive opposition from the attacks of Satan. 

Okay, so God plants us where he wants us to be and waters us with his blessings, but what about when we have problems? What happens when sin comes in and stunts our growth? We live in the midst of sin every minute of every day; sin that diseases us and withers our spirit. Things in our lives that deserve hard work and dedication are left for dead. But there is still hope for the gifts from God that we think are damaged beyond help. 
The parable of Luke 13:6-9 goes like this: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' 'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down." Maybe it seems like a lot of work, but we can never know what blessings may come to us if we wait just a little while before we give up on something or someone. Maybe it's a relationship that you thought was dead. Or an activity that's simply too much effort. It could be a forgotten blessing. Look for ways to work on it, and see what good things may follow.

Obviously I have quite a bit to say about the subject of planting and fertilizing the proverbial gardens of our lives. But what is really hitting home (literally) for me at this moment is the idea of uprooting. What happens when it's time for something to end? Possibly that's a relief. But I'm inclined to believe that the mysterious writer of Ecclesiastes is speaking more about the aspects of our lives that we would really prefer not to let go of. Some of them are poisonous and harmful, and we hold onto them stubbornly believing that they're good for us. Yet sometimes it's simply time for a good thing to be done, so that another good thing can begin. 
For the last 9 years of my life my home has been in Southern Illinois. I grew up in a small town from 6th grade until now. I have friends and mentors there that have shaped the person I am today. Yes, I'm happy at college, but that was the place that my heart called home. My father has taken a new job. While I continue on here in Wisconsin, my parents are packing up everything I've known and finding a house in Saint Louis. I'm too far away to help them move, and I'll have one final weekend to say my goodbyes to my hometown. My dad will no longer be my pastor. We can't even keep our cat. The uprooting of my earthly home has drawn my attention to how attached I am to earthly things. It's a natural human reaction, but it seems silly. My car wreck last year should have taught me that nothing is certain. I've always been slow to learn lessons like that though. 
What I need to remember is that my true home is always with my Savior Jesus. He is working wonderful things for me and my family, and this job will be a tremendous blessing. He is with me everywhere I am, no matter what I do, and when all that I am here on earth passes away, he will be waiting for me in my eternal home. What a beautiful assurance.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Go With the Flow

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." ~ Proverbs 19:21

We love to make plans, don't we? It's nice to feel like we know where we're going in life. We go to school, invest money, buy houses, and search for companions - all to secure our future. Most of us spend our lives dreaming of the "next big thing". It can be so exciting to think about how much better life will be in the future.
The truth we'd rather not face is that nothing is ever certain aside from God's love for us. It's good to have goals rather than living aimlessly, but our goals are by no means guaranteed. This has been a year of changes in my life. I got a new job, and have moved around to various homes (with various roommates). I left a long-term relationship. I changed my college major. People have entered and left my life. I even chopped off all my hair and started a weight loss program. Right now I feel like a completely different person than I was even 3 months ago. Some of the changes have been great. Some have been really hard. Sometimes it's been hard to know what to feel. Through it all I've been tempted to be upset. So much change is enough to make anyone worry what the next overhaul will be. As always though, the only comfort for times like these comes from Jesus. He says in Matthew 6:25 and 27, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
God provides for us in so many ways, even when it seems like the important things in our lives are falling apart. We still have life and love. Better still, we have assurance of eternal happiness through Jesus. That will never change. Take a moment to cherish the smaller joys in life, and you'll find that your heart feels lighter. As they used to say on VeggieTales, "A thankful heart is a happy heart."


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ready and Willing

There are some days when I just feel terrified. The world can seem so bleak. Today is one of those days. I'm afraid, because I feel like I'm living in a society bound for failure.
A couple nights ago I was watching Star Trek: The Next Generation (one of my favorite shows). One of the adventures of the episode was that the crew found an "ancient" satellite floating through space with three cryogenically frozen people on board. When the three people were thawed, it was discovered that they were from the late 20th century. After listening to them carry on about their lost lives and possessions for a while, Commander Riker says, "It's a wonder our race survived past the 21st century."
Unfortunately sometimes I think the same thing. It seems that everyone (myself included) is often selfish and apathetic. We only do things that benefit ourselves in some way. We think that someone else will take care of the things that are distasteful. Our society has trained us in making excellent excuses, so that even we ourselves are fooled into thinking that "We just can't do it." 
However severe the issue is today, apathy is not a new problem. Maybe times in the Bible the people that God chooses to do his work are fearful and unwilling. Think of Moses. God came to him in his exile and chose him to be the one to free his people from slavery. But he was afraid and doubted himself. In Exodus 3 and 4, as he is conversing with God, Moses argues, "Who am I to bring the Israelites out of Egypt?", and "What if they do not believe me?", and "I am slow of speech and tongue." All of these are questions we might ask when God is calling us. But God always provides the means to accomplish his will. In Exodus 4:11-12 God says to Moses, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
How can we be afraid to fail when God has equipped us for success? When God calls us to do his will, whether the task is daunting or seemingly insignificant, we can be confident and gladly answer, as in Isaiah 6:8, "Here am I. Send me!"


Sunday, April 29, 2012


(n) 1 : Unmerited help given to people by God; 2 : A temporary respite (as from a debt)

There are many more definitions of "grace" in the dictionary, but these are the two that most pertain to this particular topic of interest. Grace is a wonderful thing to receive and a difficult thing to give. 
There's a phrase that my mother uses sometimes to describe people: EGR - Extra Grace Required. We all have people that fit this description in our lives. The person dating someone we used to be with. The elderly woman at church who never seems to have anything interesting to say. The teacher who always has something critical to say. The friend who takes us for granted. All of these people drain our positive energy and leave us short tempered. It's hard not to wonder why we even bother dealing with them. Unfortunately we can't always see the effect we have on someone's life. You never know if you are the only person (or one of the few) who actually shows kindness to one of those difficult people. 
As Christians we have a duty to show grace to those who are difficult to love. Indeed it may be difficult, but if we can't do it, who can? We have the ultimate example of grace and love. 1 John 3:16-18 says, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him , how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." Our compulsion to grace and love goes beyond filling physical needs. We also are called to fill the emotional needs of those around us, showing them kindness despite the difficulty. 
Christ showed us the ultimate kindness when he died on the cross for our sins. Although we may not like to admit it, in God's eyes we are all cases of "extra grace required". We're not just a little bit sinful. Everyone at some point has strayed so far off the right path that extreme measures were required to set things right. Only the extremely horrific death that Jesus suffered on the cross and the final battle he fought with death could fulfill our need for grace. We cannot repay Him for this gift, but we can pay it forward. We can bring others to know the boundless grace of our Savior by giving them a taste of the feast we enjoy. 


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Apples and Bananas

In a way it's a bit dishonest to say that I haven't had time to write until now. Truthfully I've had a bit more time in my schedule this week. However, I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook. Some people may say I'm creepy, but I genuinely love to know about people's lives, and this is an exciting time of year. People are talking about their Spring Break adventures, sharing frustration about school and anticipation for summer, and posting pictures of Spring Dances. I'm such a girl, I really love seeing it all. Perfectly harmless interest, right? Well... sometimes. On days like today my time on Facebook is less than healthy. I've been spending time looking at my recent pictures and postings, and comparing them to others. For someone like me who often suffers depression, comparison is a toxic thing. I can always find someone else to envy. I can always find a reason to call myself boring or ugly. What a terrible attitude to indulge! Each person is different, and each person is uniquely beautiful. Psalm 139:14 is often used, but it's worth hearing again and again - "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Each of us is made carefully by God, as one of his prized creations. It seems natural to look at nature - landscapes, animals, plants - and praise God for the beauty he creates. We should have the same praise for ourselves. Not one hair on your nose, or scar on your knee, or wart on your foot is a mistake. Yes, our bodies are marred by sin. But God works in all situations, and He has worked beautiful things for you, inside and out.
One thing I'm guilty of is using the phrase "If only..." when comparing myself to others. "If only I had her eye color, I'd look great." "If my hair was just that easy to style, I'd never have to worry about it." I even envy personalities, saying, "If only I could be as comfortable around people as they are, I'd have a much better opinion of myself." The problem is, these things don't fit into the unique scheme of our lives. Who can say how different hair would change my life? The one thing I can say is that God meant for me to look and act exactly as I do, and no minute change is going to make me suddenly happier. The key to beauty isn't a certain look. It's a certain attitude. It's truly believing that there are great plans laid out for your life, and that you will fit into them perfectly, just the way you are. 


Monday, March 12, 2012

Do it with purpose.

"If my boss thinks I work hard, it doesn't matter what I actually do."

"Everyone gets a pay raise, why should I work harder than anyone else?"

"I'm tired and I have better things to do. I need to take care of myself first."

These and many others are excuses that I've used at work, and I'm sure you have too. When we first begin a job we often start out on the right foot, wanting to impress our supervisor and set ourselves up above the rest. But it usually doesn't take long before we've figured out how to cut corners and put forth as little effort as possible. It's human nature to look out for self before serving others. Maybe it's even hard to look at your job as a service to others. In reality though, nearly every job, no matter how "mundane", is one that serves people in some way. Making food, keeping a store in order, sitting at a welcome desk - all these and more make life easier for others.

Hmmm... Service to others... This is starting to sound like a Christian issue. Truthfully, it is. God says numerous times in the Bible that we should put forth our best effort in all the work we do. His will for us is almost painfully clear in Colossians 3:23-24:
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

When I read this, I felt ashamed. In both academics and employment, I'm guilty of giving partial effort because it seems to not matter. In my pride, I put myself first, claiming that it's better for my health and sanity to "take it easy". It's important to remember that every earthly task placed in front of us is a chance to glorify God. He gives us the ability to carry out our calling, and He deserves the credit when we succeed. When we give our best effort it is a testimony to the blessings God has given us, and a witness to those we are serving with love and joy.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Your Attention, Please.

Ever get that feeling like you're just invisible? Sometimes it's just a feeling. You're having a bad day, you don't feel special, so you don't believe anyone notices you. Sometimes it's real. Someone might be ignoring you on purpose. Neither of these scenarios is good. Humans are social beings, we thrive on interaction. Some of us seek less attention than others, but we all want attention at one time or another. 
I know that, personally, one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone avoids me. Maybe they just don't like me, or we're experiencing conflict. In either case, I'm a woman of action. I like to resolve things quickly. The worst thing for me is to just sit and stew. If I feel like something is not being said, it bugs me. I dwell on it. I wonder if it's just not that big of a deal or if I'm being left out of something important. 
This semester I'm in a class called Interpersonal Communications. One of the things we've learned is how important it is to communicate openly. Receiving the "silent treatment" is one of the worst feelings to experience. It's vital to actively listen to people and let them know that you value them. 
God never gives us the "silent treatment". It's true that he doesn't generally speak audible words to us. But he communicates in so many other ways: his Word in the Bible, our circumstances, events in our lives, people that we meet, etc. We should strive to listen whenever and however he speaks to us. He always listens to us. In Isaiah 65:24 He says, "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." 
God listens to us even before we speak. He truly hears the deepest words of our hearts. Sometimes that seems like a scary thought, if you consider the sinfulness that we harbor inside. Fear not. He always loves us, always forgives us, and always continues to speak to us.


Sunday, January 29, 2012


Some people are afraid of storms. I can't say I'm one of those people. When it's raining hard and there's thunder and lightning you're actually likely to find me under the roof of my back porch, watching and breathing in the storm. I do understand why storms are scary though. They're so powerful, and so unpredictable. They can cause so much damage.
We have storms in our lives sometimes. Days, weeks, and months when it seems like things are out of control and there's so much damage occurring. Those are the storms that I am afraid of. 
We often talk about bad things - fights, injuries, crises - as the raindrops of life. They all fall down at once and make us feel cold and miserable. It's hard to find shelter. But if we look beyond our present misery, those raindrops might be doing some good. The rain that falls from the sky, though sometimes inconvenient, is essential to our earth. Maybe those hard times in life are also essential. They teach us so many things. They teach us to look for the good in life and be thankful in all circumstances. They teach us to be content. They teach us patience. Psalm 40:1-3 says:
"I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to out God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the Lord."

It's always interesting after (or during) a long ordeal to look back and consider how God is using the rain to bring forth new growth in your life. He is a master of using everything in our lives for our good. What is an unexpected way in which God has blessed you lately?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Be Free!

There are two common viewpoints that I've encountered in my life. I never really gave much thought to either. And I certainly never realized the connection until this morning. It was a beautiful Spirit-filled moment.
First, there's the view I've gotten from society about rules. How often do we appreciate rules? If I'm being honest with myself, I'd have to say not very often. Generally the viewpoint is that rules are hindrances. They make life less fun and too complicated.
Second, there's the view I've heard from church about sin. Often we hear in church that sin puts us in bondage. It makes sense that those things which go against God's plan would cause chaos and hurt in our lives.
So how are these two viewpoints connected? As usual, the viewpoint of the church (or more accurately, the Bible) is healthier than that of the world. As I've grown older and developed a broader mind, I've been able to see the usefulness in laws and rules. They keep us safe and protect our rights. The same goes with God's law. His law, when kept perfectly, is the perfect rulebook for a happy life.
A friend of mine gave me a devotional book for Christmas called Breaking Free Day by Day. As I've read through each day and gone about my daily life, it's really hit me how bound we are by sin. Particularly those "harmless" sins of the mind such as despair, hatred, pride, and jealousy. Why do we hang on to them? Why do we allow ourselves to be chained up daily by thoughts and attitudes that hinder our ability to love? The answer is simple: We are sinful beings. It's our human nature to cling to the sins that seem so natural to us. I will admit that sometimes it feels good to be angry or arrogant. But the momentary rush that comes from allowing those feelings to have control cannot even compare to the lasting relief of letting them go. 
As I said, sin comes naturally to us. We're born with it. So it's hard to let go. That's why we have to rely on Christ Jesus, giving our sins to him. He's the only one who can take them and truly make them disappear. He even says it himself! "Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.'" (John 8:34-36)
It's a daily process, but it's so worth it. Confession is difficult, but there is peace to be found in the forgiveness of God and any others affected by our sin. Although the law may seem a burden, it's actually the best way to avoid the burden of sin. God gives us rules so that we can live peacefully with each other and enjoy his blessings. 

"I have chosen the way of truth;
I have set my heart on your laws.
I hold fast to your statutes, O Lord;
do not let me be put to shame.
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free."
Psalm 119:30-32

Let go of your sins, live by the law, and be free!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I had the privilege of spending this last weekend at the Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ (OAFC) New Years Gathering, and I must say, this year may have been my favorite ever. Many different factors contributed to this, but a large part of it was the theme chosen for this year - "Unity Through Humility". The devotions and Bible studies that saturated the weekend came at just the right time with just the right theme for my life. Hopefully I can implement the lessons learned. The theme verses for the event came from Philippians 2:1-11, which I've already talked about before in this post. So I thought I'd look at another section associated with the theme that was the subject of one of our Bible studies.
1 Corinthians 12 talks about spiritual gifts and our role in the body of Christ. Verses 17 and 18 say, "If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be."
I could go on for quite a while with the literal meaning of these verses. Our physical bodies are truly miraculous in the way they are arranged for maximum efficiency. Just the other day I got a good laugh from a friend who was musing about the complications that would arise if our mouths were in the back of our heads, rather than the front. Anyway, the passage is really using the physical body as an analogy for the "Body of Christ" - the growing, moving, and working church. This doesn't even just apply to one congregation or denomination. All Christians are called to follow Christ's example and work together in His service. We are called to Christian unity. We must make peace with each other and be unified to fully live out our Christian purpose. And the best way to do that is by taking on an attitude of humility. This doesn't mean that we cannot recognize the importance of our own individual gifts. The verses above speak to the contrary. Each personality carries with it special abilities and functions that are necessary. These gifts are from God, and should be celebrated and esteemed! However the danger comes when we begin to esteem our own abilities more than those of others. 
It is all too easy to look at a situation you are in the midst of and convince yourself that you're contributing more than someone else. That attitude is prideful, and quite honestly narrow-minded. It breeds jealousy and contempt. My personal experience has made it clear that jealousy and contempt are poisonous emotions that drain time and energy. If we go back to 1 Corinthians 12:26, we find a better suggestion for relating to people around us: "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." If we are truly unified and truly humble, this is how we should react to each other, showing compassion for each others hardships and joy for each others blessings. There is no room for jealousy and contempt next to such strong love. Love is an emotion that really satisfies. 
I know very well that it's often hard to swallow our sinfully selfish human nature. We have our own sorrows, how can we bear the sorrows of others? In the end however, it's always worth it when you find yourself being the one who needs sympathy or congratulations. Compassion is a sacrifice that often reaps great rewards. Strive every day to see the value in everything around you, and recognize the importance of people's actions. Everyone deserves to feel appreciated.