Monday, April 11, 2011

A favorite of mine

Wow has it been a long weekend. But once again, I've been blessed richly. Here I was thinking that I would have to make it 3 weeks before seeing my boyfriend, and God drops an opportunity right in my lap to go see him this weekend. Really, from Wednesday afternoon through Sunday afternoon, I've had incredible things happen. Suddenly all my classes on Friday got cancelled, allowing me to leave Thursday night and spend Friday with the man. Then I could also go to an OAFC weekend (a wonderful group that trains youth and adults to witness their faith and gives them the opportunity to do so), which I thought I wasn't going to do until May. Just to top the whole experience, a miracle occurred and I was assigned to the perfect dorm room. Seriously, I had been praying about this, and I could not have asked for anything better. No more worries about needing my own space (this suite has four individual bedrooms). I'm being taken from what is possibly the worst room on campus to one of the best. It's amazing. And here I was worrying about all this stuff. 
The situation reminds me of a verse that is one of my favorites, Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight."
Sometimes when I pray, it honestly feels less like giving my problems to God and more like lending them. I mean yes, there are some situations where prayer must be supplemented by human actions, such as in the case of housing assignments. I can pray all day to be assigned to the best room, but I still have to make sure I turn in my paperwork as early as possible and show up for room selection on time. But it seems like with mental or emotional issues (I was struggling with one of these this weekend, some worry about an emotional situation I cannot change) I have trouble just letting it go. As I noted, there is no way I can help or change the situation, and I'm praying that God would simply give me peace and guide my actions. Yet even though I've supposedly given God control and asked him to "make my paths straight", as soon as the problem arises again or I'm reminded of the issue, I take it all back and try to work it out myself. It never does any good, and I need to stop. It's circular, but I guess I need to pray for the strength to trust God with my prayers. With all of my heart. 
On Saturday night the group had a devotion centered around another great verse. In John 16:33 Jesus says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Christ died and then rose to overcome the powers that seem to overwhelm me sometimes. Even when the world (including the world of my own mind) gives me trouble, I can be at peace knowing that God has ultimate control, and is guiding every step of my life.


  1. Amen to that. It's amazing to me how many Christians miss the point that our time of joy will come in eternity. Though we have troubles in this life we can depend on the peace that Jesus gives us and stand in awe at the foot of the cross. :-)

  2. Sounds like a very thoughtful and thought provoking personal witness.
