Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hebrews 13:5

It's been a great weekend full of blessings! God has given me a wonderful boyfriend who is compatible with me in countless ways. Just reminding myself to look at the bright side, instead of being sad that I had to leave.
So I think for the most part I'm going to try to write whenever I pull a Spiritual Vitamin and have a minute to meditate. Fun fact: when I pull a Vitamin (by the way, to explain, these are slips of paper with Bible verses stuck in a jar) I usually shake the jar until one frees itself and jumps out. I'm hoping that makes it a little more random and improves the chance of me reading what I need to hear most. 
Interestingly enough, tonight there were two loose ones that I thought would shake out first and a different orange slip popped out of nowhere. It's Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
How can this apply today? It's funny, I was just having a pout today because I don't like for other people to spend money on me, and my boyfriend's parents insisted on covering a tank of gas (which is rising in price) for my long drive. So maybe my stubborn refusal of accepting money from others is wrong. That's a stretch kinda. Let's think harder. It's true, I was daydreaming after that about God somehow providing a large sum of money so I could buy a car with great gas mileage. I already get good mileage, I just want more. So I definitely should be content and trust for God to provide opportunities and funds for visits to my real family and my pseudo family. It's also driven home by the promise to never forsake me. The boyfriend and I have always remarked how it seems like God has had a huge part in our relationship, especially its formation and progression. So even if money is tight or it seems like we can't make it, God will still be there to guide us. What a comfort in my current state, when I'm coming down from my high and feeling the sting of distance.

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